I think I might have posted some photos a while back, just after we moved into our new home, of Chelsea's room. Very conveniently painted in a stunning shade of lavender with a darker purple feature wall.
I'd been searching around for something complementary, feminine, and not too babyish to decorate the feature wall with. I wanted it to be something she could grow with without being too embarrassed to have friends around when she's older.
I discovered some wall sticker designs and decided that was the way to go. After quite a few weeks of short listing designs, I ended up going with these guys from etsy -
Surface Inspired.
I chose a design that started from the top of the wall and cascaded down, as I know how 'busy' Chelsea's little fingers can get when she's curious and didn't want the sticker picked off as soon as I stuck it on.

This was the stickers as they arrived. The instructions said to lay them flat for a few hours before applying. I had no surface that was safe from being trampled on by Chelsea's busy feet either - so decided they could flatten out while blue tacked to the wall.

This morning I got to work sticking them up. First the branches. I will admit I underestimated how tricky it would be - but still managed to do it! And I did it all by myself, while keeping an eye on a destructive 15month old!
Then Chels needed a sleep, so after that we cut all the flowers and birds into their individual components and started applying them. Once I got the hang of it it wasn't too bad. Just incredibly time consuming. I think the whole application probably took about 4 hours.

But how awesome does that look!!!!

...and this was the free 'tester' sticker - I think it looks pretty sweet in the entrance to the bear studio too. :)