So not much has been happening to report. Chelsea's still crawling around (and getting pretty damn quick now too!). Bears are being worked on. Guinea pigs being sold. Facebook is visited numerous times a day 'just to check' :P
Actually, today i received a very cool book in the post about dying with natural plants/items. (Click here if you'd like to check it out too). Something i have developed a bit of an interest in (hence the post with the big pot of beetroot and fur!)
After reading the post i have discovered that it is possible to dye with onion skins! Which is great, cause i have a tonne of them floating around in the bottom of my crisper that i just haven't gotten around to throwing away. So some fur and some onion skins are bubbling away on the stove as i type. I'll have photos tomorrow (going to let it soak over night like i did with the beetroot - just to see if i can give the colour a bit more of a chance to stick!). Apparently i should get a golden brown to dark ginger tone which is kind of cool :)
Thanks for the promotion of the book Emma! If I sell out I can always relist them for anyone who wants a book - just email me at and I will list one or sell direct. I hope your dyeing goes well, its a lot of fun! Viv (Judith's daughter)