Some of my regular readers may have noticed that I have been uncharacteristically quiet over the last few days... and this was for a very good reason! One of my best friends, whom I have known since we were both three years old, and who has a bubba almost the exact same age as Miss Chelsea, called me on Wednesday and asked if I wanted to go away with her and her boys for a little overnight getaway!
So with a bit of packing and planning, Chels and I jumped in the car on Thursday morning and drove south of Brisbane to the Gold Coast where my friend had a night in a holiday unit. Her husband was unable to come, so she thought she'd see if i could join her. It was probably one of those opportunities that only come about a few times in a lifetime, and actually go ahead even fewer than that.

It almost didn't happen too. Her older boy (3yr old Zeke shown here giving my guinea pigs a new home) woke up vomiting at 4:30am Thursday morning, so we almost called the whole thing off. But thankfully he perked up after a bit of sleep and was fine for the rest of the trip.
Chelsea LOVED hanging out with the boys. It was so fun to watch her interacting with them.
And about half an hour before Chels and i headed off for our adventure, I listed this gorgeous critter on bearpile. I've called him Grayer (for obvious reasons...:P) and his is my very first elephant! Fully designed and executed by myself. I am just besotted with him too! And plan to make more just as soon as I've gotten through some custom orders...

Good to see you enjoying yourself and having fun with family and friends!
ReplyDeleteLove your little Ellie!
Warmest Hugs,
Sandi @ Bearly Sane