I was asked recently, to make a plush bunny rabbit that looks like the collector's own bunny. I set about examining the photos, researching rabbit shapes, the way they sit/stand, all the little lumps and bumps... and this is the pattern I came up with.
Every time I make a new non-bear pattern it takes a good 3-4 attempts to get it right (most recently in my quest to make a semi-realistic guinea pig!). So I wasn't expecting this to be any different.

I chose this gorgeous tonal faux fur to make the first prototype from. It most closely matched the real bunny's colouring and fur type. And faux fur can be a little more forgiving than mohair for some designs.

This was the bunny all laid out after sewing. Not looking quite right yet - but she has potential...

... and this is the finished product! I'm pretty bloody chuffed with her. Especially that gorgeous little face. I was able to incorporate some of the new techniques I'd developed in making the guinea pigs recently, and I think that helped achieve her pretty, shapely face.

Part of the collector's wishes was for her to be funky, wearing a little vest/jacket and with jewellery up one ear. A quick bit of research on vest patterns, and I had some basic shapes to work with. I tweaked them until I was happy my pattern would fit the bunny, then whipped her up a cute polka dot vest with satin skull-print lining. The faux fur trim was a last minute idea that I'm loving.

I can't wait to try this pattern in mohair now - I'm so curious to see if I'll get the same appeal, or if mohair will be the wrong texture... I've chosen a short, straight pink fur that is (not terribly realistic in colour, but) closest in appearance to the look of plush/bunny fur. So we'll see what happens next!