This is my latest, not-so-little teddy bear. Meet Georgina. She's huge - standing in at 25". I had to double, and triple check because I didn't think she was going to be so long! I had designed her to fit the gorgeous size 1 baby dress she's wearing, but even at 25" tall, she a bit small for it...

... so the story goes that Miss Georgina found herself with an opportunity to try on her big sister's favourite dress. It was a little too big for her, but that didn't stop her accessorising with her mum's favourite string of pearls as well. At least she didn't get as far as the make-up box before she got caught! Just look at that sorry little face!

Georgina is currently available for adoption either via bearpile, or she can be found on my available page. I hope you've enjoyed visiting her. She has been really fun to create, and I think it shows in the finished bear when I've had a positive experience making them!

Aww, lover her! I ended up with a 2 1/2 ft bunny that I could have sworn was going to be smaller too o.O Still, as it turned out, my friend just needed a 2 1/2 ft critter to sit at the end of her sofa...