We've had a LOT of spring rain over the last week or so. (a LOT!) Yesterday we had sunshine. So I got all of our washing done. I started at 7:30am and the last load finished at 5pm, just as Mark was getting home to help me put it out.

So today, with more sun, and no more washing to do, Chelsea and I went for a walk to the local park. There was no one there. (Mind you, it was 8:30am, maybe that's too early for everyone else?).

I was so proud of her. She wore her cute hand-me-down hat all the way there, and for the first 15min of play. If you know Chelsea, this is HUGE! She hates hats! Then I made the mistake of trying to straighten it up, which reminded her it was on her head, and it was promptly pulled off and discarded in the dirt.

It was a really lovely way to spend the morning. And I am so thankful to have the opportunity to be able to take her to the park when we want without having to worry about getting ready for work or daycare. I am loving having a 14month old. She just seems to have morphed from a baby to a child while I wasn't looking though. I mean, how grown up does she look in her big girl shoes and hat. If I take the time to stop and think about it, it's quite scary. Before I know it we'll be walking to school at 8:30 in the morning, not the park!
She is just as cute as can be. Time sure does fly doesn't it. I feel like I'm constantly trying to get time to stand still and am always unsuccessful. Enjoy these moments!!