Yesterday was my first Mother's Day as a mum of TWO! And it was lovely.
Chelsea spent the weekend at my mum's place because we had a wedding to attend that she wasn't invited to. That meant a weekend with just one kid again. And a baby at that. It was bliss! He LOVED it too. He had us all to himself, slept better than he has in his whole life, and actually smiled so much I managed to capture it on camera - complete with newly sprouting toothie!

(Check out Byron in his wedding gear. How sweet is this little man!)

Sunday we drove to my Mum's place and had lunch with all the family. It was the perfect end to a lovely weekend. Chelsea was so happy to see us. There were cuddles all round before she ran off to keep playing. Having that break from the DEMANDS of an almost 2-yr old was incredible. I didn't realise just how impatient I had become with her. Today was a lot more relaxed. She was still hard work - don't get me wrong. But I didn't feel like I was angry all day. Which can only be a good thing!

I also have some interesting news to share too. But it's getting late, so that will have to wait for tomorrow's post.
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